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Does have a refund policy?

When anything is on sale, a refund is automatically associated with it. The same is applicable to, who has refund policies too. But do they actually abide by those policies and give a refund?

Yes. does give refunds when such circumstances arise. This is well-proven through the numerous my assignment help reviews that are posted on their sites. Students have actually said that they are happy with the policies.

However, they have different policies that are well-curated to handle all kinds of situations. The best thing about these refund policies is that they will always satisfy the students.

Here is what the students have said about the policies.

In an exceptional case, did charge a student twice. He got two receipts. When he complained to the customer service executives, they immediately took action. The students said that he forwarded both the receipts. immediately apologized for the mistake and took measures. The extra payment was refunded immediately. The students were also happy.

Another exceptional case was reported by another student where he got low grades. again took immediate action. They fired the writer after the students provided proof of the claim. As for the refund, they assisted him with another assignment of the same value. He did not have to pay for it. made sure that the second assignment is of the quality and it got the highest scores.

However, the refund policies of the site are very strict. They see each and every proof of the claims made by the students and only then proceed with the refunds. In fact, the site has the best strategy because they give assignments for free because after all students will need assignments.

Few students have said that has refunded them with assignments of the same value because they were not satisfied with the quality of the papers that were initially given to them. The site took care that the second set of assignments were up to mark. has good refund policies in case any students fail. Though this is an extremely rare case, the student has to prove the failure through proper paperwork in that particular assignment. The site gives 50% refund of the initial amount. The entire claim must be done within a month’s time.

Thus, these reviews show that indeed gives refunds when such issues arise. Students must only abide by the rules and regulations stated for the refunds.